Saturday, April 20, 2013

My grandmother's kugelhopf pan

My grandmothers Kugelhopf Pan

When I cook in my kitchen with my Cuisinart Food Processor, my Kitchen Aide Mixer and a multiple of pots and pans that probably cost me a small fortune,  I am in great  awe of my own grandmother and the women down my family generational line.  They didn't have the accoutrement that I have in my own kitchen yet cooked meals for the soul and for the body that could, in my humble opinion, rival many chefs.

My mother's family lived in a farm house that dated from the 1700's.  The walls were a foot thick and had stone floors worn like gentle valleys from many generation moving through their lives in that old but loved kitchen and farm.  The women and men in my family made memories out of the meals they served without all the extra's that I seem to "need or crave" to make myself a better home cook.  Food was not just for the purpose of feeding the body but sharing the love of a dish well cooked for the family they loved.

Sometimes I think in our rushed society we miss the time to tell stories that were so much of our verbal landscape for so many generations and in that we loose a bit of ourselves. For me and my family, taking the time to share our current and past stories while cooking or sharing a meal made with love brings us closer together.

My grandmother's Kugelhopf pan on left,  a decorative one on right of my mothers from Alsace

a card my then 16 year old painted of a vineyard 

My decorative Kugelhopf pan 

an example of a kugelhopf recipe from epicurious except my family uses Kirsh in our recipe  

 an article on Alsacienne wine

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing and for the photos. I am looking for such a pan.
